Whoobleeka, Djinn of the Crystal Ring (Mezeler Level III South, Room #186)
Djinn : HD:7+3; HP:50; AC:4; #Atk:1; Dmg:2d8; SA/SD:Yes Yes; MagRes:0; MV:9, Fl 24 (A); Siz:L; Alt:CG; INT:8-14; MRL:13-14; XPv:5000; summoned by wiz or priest for a service, from plane of Air, can create food (2d6 people), water, wine, goods, metal , spec.powers (20th lvl wiz) Maze, Control Weather, Improved Phantasmal Force or create wooden item all 1/day, also use invisibility, gaseous form & wind walk, create whirlwind which it can ride, airbourne creatures att & dmg -1, +4 saves vs air, nearly impossible to capture
Description MM : Can do any of the following once per day: create nutritious food for 2d6 persons and create water or create wine for 2d6 persons; create soft goods (up to 16 cubic feet) or create wooden items (up to 9 cubic feet) of a permanent nature; create metal, up to 100 pounds weight with a short life span (the harder the metal the less time it lasts; gold has about a 24 hour existence while djinni steel lasts only one hour); create illusion as a 20th-level wizard with both visible and audible components, which last without concentration until touched or magically dispelled; use invisibility, gaseous form, or wind walk.
Once per day, the genie can create a whirlwind, which the it can ride or even direct at will from a distance. The whirlwind is a cone-shaped spiral, measuring up to 10 feet across at its base, 40 feet across at the top, and up to 70 feet in height (the djinni chooses the dimensions). Its maximum speed is 18, with maneuverability class A. The whirlwind's base must touch water or a solid surface, or it will dissolve. It takes a full turn for the whirlwind to form or dissolve. During that time, the whirlwind inflicts no damage and has no other effect. The whirlwind lasts as long as the djinni concentrates on it, moving at the creature's whim.
If the whirlwind strikes a non-aerial creature with fewer than 2 Hit Dice, the creature must make a saving throw vs. breath weapon for each round of contact with the whirlwind, or be swept off its feet, battered, and killed. Hardier beings, as well as aerial or airborne creatures, take 2d6 points of damage per round of contact with the whirlwind.
A djinni can ride its whirlwind and even take along passengers, who (like the djinni) suffer no damage from the buffeting winds. The whirlwind can carry the genie and up to six man-sized or three genie-sized companions.
Airborne creatures or attacks receive a -1 penalty to attack and damage rolls against a djinni, who also receives a +4 bonus to saving throws against gas attacks and air-based spells.
Djinn are nearly impossible to capture by physical means; a djinni who is overmatched in combat usually takes to flight and uses its whirlwind to buffet those who follow. Genies are openly contemptuous of those life forms that need wings or artificial means to fly and use illusion and invisibility against such enemies. Thus, the capture and enslavement of djinn is better resolved by the DM on a case-by-case basis. It is worth noting, however, that a good master will typically encourage a djinni to additional effort and higher performance, while a demanding and cruel master encourages the opposite.
Djinn are able to carry up to 600 pounds, on foot or flying, without tiring. They can carry double that for a short time: three turns if on foot, or one turn if flying. For each 100 pounds below the maximum, add one turn to the time a djinni may walk or fly before tiring. A fatigued djinni must rest for an hour before performing any additional strenuous activity.