Précisions sur les sorts du 3e temple dans R.A.

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Précisions sur les sorts du 3e temple dans R.A.

Message par kazz » 05 janv. 2008, 17:44

Les sorts de Un/Holy Aura et de Shield Chaos/Law se trouvent sur la page des Divinités et Cultes; il s'agit de sorts de Domaine Exclusifs (il ne peuvent être acquis autrement).

Les sorts de Un/Hallow seront bientôt mis en ligne.

Le Forbiddance se trouve dans le PHB 2e Ed. Il s'agit donc d'un sort auquel les personnages ont normalement accès. En voici les caractéristiques.


Sphere: Protection
Range: 30 yds.
Duration: Permanent
Casting Time: 6 rds.
Area of Effect: 60-ft. cube/leve
Saving Throw: Special
Components: V, S, M

This spell can be used to secure a consecrated area (see the Dungeon Master Guide). The spell seals the area from teleportation, plane shifting, and ethereal penetration. At the option of the caster, the ward can be locked by a password, in which case it can be entered only by those speaking the proper words. Otherwise, the effect on those entering the enchanted area is based on their alignment, relative to the caster's. The most severe penalty is used.
Alignment identical: No effect. If password locked, cannot enter area unless password is known (no saving throw).
Alignment different with respect to law and chaos: Save vs. spell to enter the area; if failed, suffer 2d6 points of damage. If password locked, cannot enter unless password is known.
Alignment different with respect to good and evil: Save vs. spell to enter this area; if failed, suffer 4d6 points of damage. If word locked, cannot enter unless password is known. The attempt does cause damage if the save is failed.
Once a saving throw is failed, an intruder cannot enter the forbidden area until the spell ceases. The ward cannot be dispelled by a caster of lesser level than the one who established it. Intruders who enter by rolling successful saving throws feel uneasy and tense, despite their success.
In addition to the priest's holy symbol, components include holy water and rare incenses worth at least 1,000 gp per 60-foot cube. If a password lock is desired, this also requires the burning of rare incenses worth at least 5,000 gp per 60-foot cube.

La version "improved" de ce sort à laquelle vous avez affaire (effets x3) peut donner à penser que celle-ci est particulière au Temple dont il s'agit…
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Site Admin
Messages : 1555
Inscription : 23 mai 2004, 22:16

Sort de [Un]Hallow

Message par kazz » 04 déc. 2010, 01:51

Level: Clr 5, Drd 5

Components: V, S, M,
Casting Time: 24 hours
Range: Touch
Area: 40-ft. radius emanating from the touched point
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: See text
Spell Resistance: See text

Hallow/Unhallow makes a particular site, building, or structure a holy/unholy site.

Hallow has four major effects.

First, the site or structure is guarded by a magic circle against evil effect.

Second, all checks made to turn undead gain a +4 sacred bonus, and checks to command undead take a -4 penalty. Spell resistance does not apply to this effect. (This provision does not apply to the druid version of the spell.)

Third, any dead body interred in a hallowed site cannot be turned into an undead creature.

Finally, you may choose to fix a single spell effect to the hallowed site. The spell effect lasts for one year and functions throughout the entire site, regardless of the normal duration and area or effect. You may designate whether the effect applies to all creatures, creatures who share your faith or alignment, or creatures who adhere to another faith or alignment. At the end of the year, the chosen effect lapses, but it can be renewed or replaced simply by casting hallow again.

Spell effects that may be tied to a hallowed site include aid, bane, bless, cause fear, darkness, daylight, death ward, deeper darkness, detect evil, detect magic, dimensional anchor, discern lies, dispel magic, endure elements, freedom of movement, invisibility purge, protection from energy, remove fear, resist energy, silence, tongues, and zone of truth. Saving throws and spell resistance might apply to these spells’ effects. (See the individual spell descriptions for details.)
An area can receive only one hallow spell (and its associated spell effect) at a time. Hallow counters but does not dispel unhallow.

Unhallow has three major effects.

First, the site or structure is guarded by a magic circle against good effect.

Second, all turning checks made to turn undead take a -4 penalty, and turning checks to rebuke undead gain a +4 profane bonus. Spell resistance does not apply to this effect. (This provision does not apply to the druid version of the spell.)

Finally, you may choose to fix a single spell effect to the unhallowed site. The spell effect lasts for one year and functions throughout the entire site, regardless of its normal duration and area or effect. You may designate whether the effect applies to all creatures, creatures that share your faith or alignment, or creatures that adhere to another faith or alignment. At the end of the year, the chosen effect lapses, but it can be renewed or replaced simply by casting unhallow again.

Spell effects that may be tied to an unhallowed site include aid, bane, bless, cause fear, darkness, daylight, death ward, deeper darkness, detect magic, detect good, dimensional anchor, discern lies, dispel magic, endure elements, freedom of movement, invisibility purge, protection from energy, remove fear, resist energy, silence, tongues, and zone of truth.
Saving throws and spell resistance might apply to these spells’ effects. (See the individual spell descriptions for details.)

An area can receive only one [un]hallow spell (and its associated spell effect) at a time.
The two spells counters each other but do not dispel.

Material Component : Herbs, oils, and incense worth at least 1,000 gp, plus 1,000 gp per level of the spell to be included in the target area.