A la question "What is 'Old School' D&D ?"
Publié : 12 mai 2008, 17:33
Quelques réponses sur les forums (en anglais) de PiedPiper (R. J. Kuntz) :
• Marking your dice with permanent marker or crayon so you can read the numbers better.
• Rolling a d6 with your d20 because it only had 1-10 twice on it.
• Calling blue high, red low when rolling two d10s for a percentage check.
• 18/XX% Strength.
• Writing 2 pages single spaced of "ironclad" instructions to a Djinn and still getting screwed by the DM on your wish.
• Using graph paper you "barrowed" from school to draw new dungeons for your buddies.
• Buying Dragon magazine because of the cool comics like Wormy or Fineous Fingers were in it. Plus they wrote rules for other game systems like Traveller.
• Every NPC in the Invincible City has character levels and even the bar wench could kick your ass at low levels.
• Learning BASIC so you could write your own D&Dish computer games which you saved to casset tapes because that's all your TSR-80 had.
• Calling your halflings, hobbits.
• Going through PCs like water because your DM thought it was him vs. you.
• Waiting for Gary to publish the sequel to T1. And waiting, and waiting.
• Kit-bashing your AD&D game with stuff from Chivalry & Sorcery, Judges Guild, Arduin Grimore, and Tunnels & Trolls.
• Trying out the Jester class and having the rest of the party kill you halfway through the dungeon.
• White Dwarf magazine.
• Monsters had boobies. Bare boobies with nipples. There were pictures.
• What the hell is a Tanari.
• Dropping an intelligent sword into the deep part of the ocean because it just wouldn't shut up.
• Keeping a cursed item for your PC because it was the first magic item no one could argue over, it was yours.
• Fireballs that fill up 40' , Lightning bolts that blast back in your face if the wall is less than 60' away, Undead draining levels PERMANENTLY.
• Evil clerics not having Heal spells..
• Poison that kills.
• Mordenkainen not bald.
• Anything prior 3rd Edition.
• Marking your dice with permanent marker or crayon so you can read the numbers better.
• Rolling a d6 with your d20 because it only had 1-10 twice on it.
• Calling blue high, red low when rolling two d10s for a percentage check.
• 18/XX% Strength.
• Writing 2 pages single spaced of "ironclad" instructions to a Djinn and still getting screwed by the DM on your wish.
• Using graph paper you "barrowed" from school to draw new dungeons for your buddies.
• Buying Dragon magazine because of the cool comics like Wormy or Fineous Fingers were in it. Plus they wrote rules for other game systems like Traveller.
• Every NPC in the Invincible City has character levels and even the bar wench could kick your ass at low levels.
• Learning BASIC so you could write your own D&Dish computer games which you saved to casset tapes because that's all your TSR-80 had.
• Calling your halflings, hobbits.
• Going through PCs like water because your DM thought it was him vs. you.
• Waiting for Gary to publish the sequel to T1. And waiting, and waiting.
• Kit-bashing your AD&D game with stuff from Chivalry & Sorcery, Judges Guild, Arduin Grimore, and Tunnels & Trolls.
• Trying out the Jester class and having the rest of the party kill you halfway through the dungeon.
• White Dwarf magazine.
• Monsters had boobies. Bare boobies with nipples. There were pictures.
• What the hell is a Tanari.
• Dropping an intelligent sword into the deep part of the ocean because it just wouldn't shut up.
• Keeping a cursed item for your PC because it was the first magic item no one could argue over, it was yours.
• Fireballs that fill up 40' , Lightning bolts that blast back in your face if the wall is less than 60' away, Undead draining levels PERMANENTLY.
• Evil clerics not having Heal spells..
• Poison that kills.
• Mordenkainen not bald.
• Anything prior 3rd Edition.