Pour mémoire, le classement était le suivant:
1) G-D-Q "queen of the spider"
2) I6 "Ravenloft"
3) S1 "Tomb of horrors"
4) T1-4 "Temple of elemental evil"
5) S3 "expedition to the barrier peaks
6) I3-5 "desert of desolation"
7) B2 "Keep of the borderland"

9) S2 "White plume mountain"
10) Return to the tomb of horrors
11) The gates of firestrom peak"
12) The forge of fury
13) I1 "Dwellers of the forbidden city"
14) "Dead gods" (planescape)
15) X2 "Castle amber"
16) X1 "Isle of the dread"
17) "Ruin of undermountain"
18)C1 "The hidden shrine of Tamaochan"
19) N1 "Against the cult of the reptile god"
20) A1-4 "Scourge of the slave lords"
21) "Dark tower"
22) S4 "Lost cavern of Tsojcanth"
23) WG4 "The forgotten temple of Tharizdun"
24) "City of the spider queen"
25) DL1 "Dragons of despair" (dragonlance)
26) "City of skulls" (Greyhawk)
27) U1 "Sinister secret of Saltmarsh"
28)B4 "The lost city"
29) L2 "The assassin's knot"
30) C2 "Ghost tower of Inverness"
Je trouve celui-ci plutôt pertinent à quelques bemols près.