Girdle of titan's strength
book of vile darkness
Luck blade +1
Mace of disruption
Plate +5 of etherealness
Robe of Archmagie
Necklace of strangulation
Jewel of Flawlessless
Staff of Power
Staff of the Magi
Gauntlets of Ogre power
Elfin Chain +4
Ring of water walking
boots of levitation
Wand of wonder
HolyAvenger +5
Staff of curing
Ring of Xray Vision
Ioun Stone of Regeneration
Hat of disguise
Ring of wizardry 1a3
Ring of Jeany summoning (qui c'est cette Jeany???)
Libram of Inefable damnation
Helm of brillance
Tome of Leadership & Influence
Tome of stealthy ..
Book of exalted deeds
Book of powerful barbarian
Book of powerful Ranger
Book of infinite spell
Manuel of Bodily Health
Ring of jumping
Ring of mind shielding
Ring of shooting stars
Ring of feather fall
Hammer of thunderbolt: 1x/j: Heal, stonetell,reverse gravity, Stone to flesh; 3x/j: Detect Gold, Detect Gems, detect secret doors
RESTE A DETERMINER (ou j'ai pas noté):
2 swords
20 potions
1800 gems
Vooilà, suis fatigué, vais me coucher, .... à +

RESTE à deter