Les capacités apprises par les animaux (tricks) se répartissent en tricks ouverts, apprenables librement, ou réservés, acquis lors de la progression en niveaux de skills.
Les packages représentent un ensemble de tricks en fonction d’un but auquel est destiné l’animal.
Ce sont les tricks apprenables par toute animal. Durée d’enseignement : 1 semaine. Check DC réussi = trick appris par l’animal. Ce check peut être re-tenté un nombre indéfini de fois.
Par la suite, l’exécution du trick est DC10 en milieu normal. En aventure ou dans des milieux ou circonstances inhabituels, l’exécution est au DC indiqué pour chaque. Cependant, au niveau VI, aucun check n’est nécessaire.
Attack (DC 20) The animal attacks apparent enemies. You may point to a particular creature that you wish the animal to attack, and it will comply if able. Normally, an animal will attack only humanoids, monstrous humanoids, giants, or other animals. Teaching an animal to attack all creatures (including such unnatural creatures as undead and aberrations) counts as two tricks or requires level II.
Come (DC 15) The animal comes to you, even if it normally would not do so.
Defend (DC 20) The animal defends you (or is ready to defend you if no threat is present), even without any command being given. Alternatively, you can command the animal to defend a specific other character.
Down (DC 15) The animal breaks off from combat or otherwise backs down. An animal that doesn’t know this trick continues to fight until it must flee (due to injury, a fear effect, or the like) or its opponent is defeated.
Guard (DC 20) The animal stays in place and prevents others from approaching.
Heel (DC 15) The animal follows you closely, even to places where it normally wouldn’t go.
Perform (DC 15) The animal performs a variety of simple tricks, such as sitting up, rolling over, roaring or barking, and so on.
Seek/Fetch (DC 15) The animal moves into an area and looks around for anything that is obviously alive or animate. Or the animal goes and gets something from the area ; if you do not point out a specific item, the animal fetches some random object.
Sneak (DC 15): The animal can be ordered to make Stealth checks in order to stay hidden and to continue using Stealth even when circumstances or its natural instincts would normally cause it to abandon secrecy.
Stay (DC 15) The animal stays in place, waiting for you to return. It does not challenge other creatures that come by, though it still defends itself if it needs to.
Track (DC 20) The animal tracks the scent presented to it. (This requires the animal to have the scent ability)
Throw Rider (DC 15): he animal can attempt to fling a creature riding it to the ground. Treat this as a trip combat maneuver that applies to all creatures riding the animal, and that does not provoke attacks of opportunity. An animal that knows the throw rider and exclusive tricks can be instructed to attempt to automatically throw anyone other than its trainer who attempts to ride it.
Work (DC 15) The animal pulls or pushes a medium or heavy load.
Ces tricks sont acquis uniquement et automatiquement par progression dans le skill.
Exclusive (DC 20): The animal takes directions only from the handler who taught it this trick. An animal with the exclusive trick does not take trick commands from others even if it is friendly or helpful toward them (such as through the result of a charm animal spell), though this does not prevent it from being controlled by other enchantment spells (such as dominate animal), and the animal still otherwise acts as a friendly or helpful creature when applicable.
Serve (DC 15): An animal with this trick willingly takes orders from a creature you designate. If the creature you tell the animal to serve knows what tricks the animal has, it can instruct the animal to perform these tricks using your Handle Animal bonus on the check instead of its own. The animal treats the designated ally as friendly. An animal can unlearn this trick with 1 week of training. This trick can be taught to an animal multiple times. Each time it is taught, the animal can serve an additional creature you designate.
Speak (DC 25): The companion is able to communicate very simple concepts through barks, gestures, whistles, or similar actions. The companion’s vocabulary is extremely limited, generally restricted to “yes,” “no,” and counting up to three. The companion is also able to recognize and respond to up to three specific questions. The companion does not so much understand the words as recognize the sound of them, and it responds accordingly. This trick does not actually increase the companion’s capacity to understand concepts and ideas; it can be taught a way to communicate the concept of “food,” for example, but it won’t distinguish cooked food from raw food, and it might not even recognize as food anything that is not part of its own diet.
Hunt (DC 20): This trick allows an animal to use its natural stalking or foraging instincts to find food and return it to the animal’s handler. an animal with this trick can attempt Tracking or Survival checks (or Wisdom checks, if the animal has no ranks in Survival) to provide food for others or lead them to water and shelter (as the “get along in the wild” use of the Survival skill). An animal with this trick can use the aid another action to grant a bonus on its handlers Survival checks for these purposes.
Un animal ne peut avoir qu’un seul package. Le package peut toutefois être modifié à compter du niveau V.
Combat Riding (DC 20): An animal trained to bear a rider into combat knows the tricks attack, come, defend, down, guard, and heel. Training an animal for combat riding takes six weeks. You may also “upgrade” an animal trained for riding to one trained for combat riding by spending three weeks and making a successful DC 20 Handle Animal check. The new general purpose and tricks completely replace the animal’s previous purpose and any tricks it once knew. Warhorses and riding dogs are already trained to bear riders into combat, and they don’t require any additional training for this purpose.
Fighting (DC 20): An animal trained to engage in combat knows the tricks attack, down, and stay. Training an animal for fighting takes three weeks.
Guarding (DC 20): An animal trained to guard knows the tricks attack, defend, down, and guard. Training an animal for guarding takes four weeks.
Heavy Labor (DC 15): An animal trained for heavy labor knows the tricks come and work. Training an animal for heavy labor takes two weeks.
Hunting (DC 20): An animal trained for hunting knows the tricks attack, down, fetch, heel, seek, and track. Training an animal for hunting takes six weeks.
Performance (DC 20): An animal trained for performance knows the tricks come, fetch, heel, perform, and stay. Training an animal for performance takes five weeks.
Riding (DC 15): An animal trained to bear a rider knows the tricks come, heel, and stay. Training an animal for riding takes three weeks.
Animal Handling (Cha.; All)
0 : Can teach 3 tricks to domestic animals.
I : Can teach 3 tricks to any animal. Can train DC15 packages.
II : Can teach up to 4 tricks to any animal. Attack trick targets any kind of enemy.
III : Can teach up to 6 tricks to any animal. Seek or Track trick = Hunt trick. Can train DC20 packages.
IV : Gain Exclusive and Serve tricks. Gain 1 rank in Ride skill. Can train « monster » animals of 4th lvl druids’ companions list.
V : Enhancement : Animal gains +1 HD, +1 toHit & damage, +1 hp per HD, +1 to AC. Can unlearn tricks (replace one trick by another). Can apply Medical skill to animal.
VI : Familiarisation : 1/day animal gains additional temporary (24hrs duration) hp equal to 10% of master’s hit points ; if within 10’ of master, Animal saves as master’s saving throws. Gain Speak trick. No checks DC for tricks’ executions. Can train « monster » animals of 7th lvl druids’ companions list.