STRATEGIC ADVANTAGE / DISADVANTAGE (applies to all cbat rolls)
Well rested |
10 |
Well supplied |
10 |
Defending homeland |
20 |
Well led (Cdr 4/6) |
10 |
Very Well led (Cdr 5/6) |
20 |
Excellently led (Cdr 6/6) |
30 |
Beat this ennemy this season |
20 |
Beat an ennemy in last battle |
10 |
Ennemy of hereditary or religious nature |
20 |
Beat this ennemy last season |
10 |
Ambush is wooded region* |
20 |
Capital City of ennemy occupied |
10 |
Ennemy known to offer No Quarter |
10 |
Own army is 50% Regulars |
10 |
No infantry in opposing army** |
20 |
No cavalry in opposing army° |
20 |
*Must have forester scouts presents in ambushing army **Must have infantry present in your army to claim this bonus °Must have cavalry present in your army to claim this advantage |
Fatigued from Forced March |
-10 |
Supplied only by foraging |
-10 |
Unsupplied |
-30 |
Poorly led (Cdr 1/6) |
-20 |
Defeated by this ennemy this season |
-20 |
Defeated by an ennemy in last battle |
-10 |
Cut off from friendly forts/territory |
-20 |
Mercenaries/Regulars not paid in full |
-10 |
Feudal troops in field 60+ days of service |
-10 |
As above / but unpaid for extra service |
-30 |
Planting/Harvest Season at home |
-20 |
Capital City occupied by this ennemy |
-25 |
Ennemy barbaric in treatment of POWs |
-10 |
Army is 50%+ Irregulars |
-10 |
Civil War at home |
-40 |
phase 1 | 1-2 left, 3-4 center, 5-6 right zone |
phase 2 | 1-3 leftmost, 4-6 rightmost zone |
phase 3 | remaining zone |
RATIO TABLE (applies to strong side's roll)
1 c/ 1 |
0 |
1,5 c/ 1 |
15 |
2 c/ 1 |
33 |
2,5 c/ 1 |
50 |
3 c/ 1 |
66 |
4 c/ 1 |
75 |
5 c/ 1 |
82 |
6 c/ 1 |
90 |
7 c/ 1 |
100 |
8 c/ 1 |
110 |
9 c/ 1 |
125 |
TACTICAL ADVANTAGE / DISADVANTAGE (applies to a unit/sector)
Unit has height advantage |
5 |
Unit in cover* |
5 |
Infantry square** |
5 |
Field Defenses/Hasty*** |
5 |
Field Defenses/Well Prepared*** |
10 |
Field Defenses/Superb*** |
15 |
Fortified Camp Hasty |
12 |
Fortified Camp Well prepared |
20 |
Fortified Camp/Superb° |
30 |
Night Attack/Regulars°° |
10 |
Night Attack/Semi-Regulars |
5 |
Infantry in Urban areas |
5 |
Infantry in familiar Urban areas |
12 |
HC/AC/HAC/SHAC in Hills |
-5 |
HC/AC/HAC/SHAC in Woods |
-10 |
HC/SHAC in Mountains/Forests |
-20 |
LC/MC in Mountains/Forests |
-10 |
HC/SHAC in Soft Sand |
-20 |
HC/SHAC in Marsh/Bog Terrain |
-25 |
HAI/SHAI in Marsh/Bog Terrain |
-20 |
Cavalry in Urban areas |
-10 |
Bowmen after heavy rain |
-10 |
Unable to deploy°°° |
-50 |
Flank Attack |
x2 |
Missile only |
x0,5 |
Cavalry Charge |
special |
*Unit in Cover : This applies to any unit which begins the battle hidden from view of the ennemy. It simulates the uncertainty, if not actual surprise, that this causes to the ennemy.
**Infantry Square : This applies to those infantry units able to form an all-round defensive formation, and who de so normally. In the case of regular troops with this capability, the bonus is 30%. Some troops capable of such formation are Roman Legionaries, Greek Hoplites, Vikings, Scots ( 12th & 1th centuries AD ), Swiss pikemen, etc...
***Field Defenses : Hasty defenses are thrown together on the spot, a few hours before the battle. To construct such hasty defenses require no specialist. Well prepared defenses take at least 12-24 hours of preparation plus the supervision of at least one military Artificier fot Irregular/semi-Regular troops. Regular troops require no such aid in preparing such defenses. Superb defenses can only be made by Regular troops under the supervision of a military Artificer, taking 12-24 hours to construct.
°Fortified Camp : Theses are erected habitually by Regulars each night without fail, or by Irregulars/Semi-Irregulars when in Winter quarters or similar circumstances. A Hasty Camp takes 1-2 hours to construct for Regulars, but a full day for all others. It requires no specialists. Well Preapred Camps take 12-24 hours for Regulars to construct or a full week for all others. Such well prepared camps require the assistance of a military Artificer to construct. A Superb Camp may only be constructed by Elite troops or A Class Regulars and then only if supervised by a military Artificer. Super Camps take -4 days to construct. ( Note that only defending units receive this bonus. Also, if the opposing side has siege equipment present, they reduce the bonus by 1% per 1% the value of such equipment exceeds the unmodified PV of the troops in the Camp.)
°°Night Attack : This represents the surprise effects of an attack at night. No matter what the outcome, both sides remain on the field the next day - at least, those who have not fled ! Irregular troops do not have the discipline to undertake night attacks at all unless they have received special training, but even then they will receive no bonus for doing so.
°°°Unable to Deploy : This applies to unit caught in a confined or constricted place which precludes their full deployment. For example, troops marching through a narrow defile who are attacked by troops in prepared position on the slopes and cliffs above them and in front of them would be in this category. If the space is especially constricting, this penalty may be increased even further. For example, if the troops in this position wereable to proceed only in single file, the PV would be reduced by 90%.Attaque de Flanc: double la Valeur de l'Unité (si la zone d'en face est libre)
Missile only: divise par 2 la Valeur de l'unité (mais 0 casualties). Certains terrains difficiles (Forest, Mountain etc...) bloquent ce type d'ordre.
Cavalry Charge: ajoute 33% à la valeur de l'unité (50% si lancers) lors de son entrée en contact sauf si Pikemen, Fld défenses etc en face auquel cas l'unité perd au contraire 50% de sa valeur. Les terrains difficiles (Forest, Marsh, Urban, Mountain etc...) bloquent ce type d'ordre.Nota: pour un bonus tactique, il suffit que le type d'unité concerné représente 50% au moins de la masse du secteur. Pour un malus, il suffit que ce type d'unité représente 10% de la masse du secteur.
Diff. (D.C.) |
Cas. Vic. % |
Cas. Los. % |
Fld. Vic. |
Fld. Los. |
Contest. |
01-10 |
1d20 |
1d20 |
1-20 |
21-40 |
41+ |
11-40 |
2d6 |
d12+15 |
1-35 |
36-50 |
51+ |
41-60 |
1d10 |
2d10+15 |
1-50 |
51-55 |
56+ |
61-80 |
1d8 |
3d10+10 |
1-65 |
66+ |
81-90 |
1d6 |
3d12+15 |
1-80 |
81+ |
91-100 |
1 |
4d10+15 |
1-85 |
86+ |
101-150 |
0 |
5d10+15 |
1-95 |
96+ |
151-200 |
0 |
5d12+20 |
1-99 |
100 |
201-250 |
0 |
6d10+20 |
100 |
251+ |
0 |
6d12+25 |
100 |
dead |
wound |
fit |
inval. |
pow |
Chivalry/Regular Cavalry (H/C) |
25 |
25 |
45 |
5 |
0 |
Chivalry/Regular Cavalry (L) |
25 |
20 |
25 |
5 |
25 |
All Other Cavalry (H/C) |
30 |
30 |
30 |
10 |
0 |
All Other Cavalry (L) |
60 |
20 |
0 |
20 |
0 |
All Infantry (H/C) |
60 |
20 |
20 |
0 |
0 |
All Infantry (L) |
50 |
20 |
0 |
0 |
30 |
dead |
wound |
fit |
inval. |
pow |
Chivalry/Regular Cavalry (H/C) |
25 |
25 |
45 |
5 |
0 |
Chivalry/Regular Cavalry (L) |
25 |
25 |
20 |
5 |
25 |
All Other Cavalry (H/C) |
30 |
30 |
25 |
5 |
10 |
All Other Cavalry (L) |
60 |
20 |
0 |
20 |
0 |
All Infantry (H/C) |
60 |
20 |
20 |
0 |
0 |
All Infantry (L) |
50 |
20 |
0 |
0 |
30 |
Elite |
2 |
Fanatic |
2 |
Regular |
1 |
Moral A |
3 |
Moral B |
2 |
Moral C |
1 |
Elvish, Dwarvish etc |
1 |
Defending home territory |
1 |
Cder value |
1 à 6 |
Irregular Tng. |
3 |
1/2 Regular Tng. |
2 |
Regular Tng. |
1 |
Moral A ou B |
-1 |
Elite |
-1 |
Engaged |
1 |
Terrain: Wood Hill Urban |
1 |
Terrain: Marsh Mountain Forest |
2 |
Terrain: Bridge/Ford |
1 |
Infantry (H/C) Type |
3 |
Infantry (L) Type |
2 |
Cavalry (H/C) Type |
1 |
Cavalry (L) Type |
0 |
LEFT WING . . . . . . . . . . . . |
CENTER . . . . . . . . . . . . |
RIGHT WING . . . . . . . . . . . . |
LW MSL SUPPORT . . . . |
C MSL SUPPORT . . . . |
RW MSL SUPPORT . . . . |
RESERVE (1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . |
RESERVE (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . |
RALLY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . |
Round: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0
Unit Name | Cls. | Mrl. | Tng & Special Arms: | Pt/M. |
Orders/ Situation:
Eff. | Initial Cb.Val. |
Tegelin 2nd Cy | Cls: HI | Mrl: C | Tng: Semi-Regular | Pt/M.:
9 |
Orders/ Situation:
Eff: 55 | Cb.Val: 495 |
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