Magical spell
research rules on Derenworld
SpellCaster Level : researching mage must be able to cast spells of level researched.
If (s)he is Alchemist, the Alchemist Level is added to caster's level for this purpose only.
Weekly cost for Alchemists (with lab) by Level : I=950GP; II=850 GP; III=800 GP
Any interruption for more than this time cost 3 days of additional research per missed day and a roll under (INT @ DC 5 + the number of days missing) to resume the research without spoiling all previously done research weeks (however, in this case the 1st week (conception) is still valid).
-> Malus : DC 5 + spell level
-> Bonus : [INT Mod (15=+1 18=+4)] + [SpellCraft Slots >1] + [additional time*]
If made, spell is copied. If missed, start research process all over again.
additional Time : 2 add. weeks = +1 bonus
** bonus time : Alchemist
III or specialist in research field w/ great lab gain 1/week for spells level
3+; these bonus are cumulative only if spell researched is of level 5+