Magical spell research rules on Derenworld

  • Requisites : standard alchemical lab + components + space / item / creature for test if applicable.

    SpellCaster Level : researching mage must be able to cast spells of level researched.
    If (s)he is Alchemist, the Alchemist Level is added to caster's level for this purpose only.

  • Duration = 1 week of conception & planning (no cost) + [research : 1 week / spell level] - bonus time**

  • Cost = 1KGP / research week
    Weekly cost for Alchemists (with lab) by Level : I=950GP; II=850 GP; III=800 GP

  • Interruption : the research can be interrupted freely for periods less than half a day (6 hours).
    Any interruption for more than this time cost 3 days of additional research per missed day and a roll under (INT @ DC 5 + the number of days missing) to resume the research without spoiling all previously done research weeks (however, in this case the 1st week (conception) is still valid).

  • Achievement : Roll under d20 with...

    -> Malus : DC 5 + spell level

    -> Bonus : [INT Mod (15=+1… 18=+4)] + [SpellCraft Slots >1] + [additional time*]

    If made, spell is copied. If missed, start research process all over again.

  • * additional Time : 2 add. weeks = +1 bonus
    ** bonus time : Alchemist III or specialist in research field w/ great lab gain 1/week for spells level 3+; these bonus are cumulative only if spell researched is of level 5+

    > Cave | > Skill d'Alchimie