Cérémonies des Cultes Religieux

Usuelles | Sacrifices Maléfiques

Cérémonies Usuelles

  • Tous les prêtres ont le pouvoir de Cérémonie de leur culte/religion. Ces Cérémonies usuelles ne sont pas des pouvoirs magiques ou des sorts mais des pouvoirs religieux qui peuvent avoir impact magique. Elles sont généralement accomplies par les prêtres sédentaires qui n'ont aucun pouvoir magique. Les prêtres aventuriers y ont bien entendu également accès. Ces cérémonies ne préjugent pas de spells tels que Bless, Desecrate, Atonement etc... qui peuvent cependant les renforcer.

  • Toute cérémonie nécessite le symbole du Dieu. La plupart exigent des prières spécifiques écrites dans le Livre du Culte, certaines ne requièrent que des prières usuelles ou connues par coeur par le prêtre. D'autres doivent se dérouler en public et/ou l'autel qu'il soit ou non permanent ou bâti.. Enfin les cérémonies de Mort et de Funérailles : et elles seules . peuvent être accomplies pour le compte de divinités voisines ou alliées.

  • Une cérémonie usuelle est assimilée à une Oraison (Spell niveau 0) gratuite aux Paladins, Clercs, Druides et Bardes. Elle doit cependant être remémorisée conformément aux règles de mémorisation des sorts cléricaux. Il n'est pas nécessaire de préciser le type de cérémonie au moment de la mémorisation de l'oraison. Des conditions particulièrement difficiles peuvent exiger un spell du type Bless / Chant / Prayer préalable au bon accomplissement de la cérémonie.
    Pour plus de précisions, on peut se reporter à la description des modalités de l'ancien sort de Cérémonie figurant à l'origine dans l'Unearthed Arcana (© TSR 1981) et reproduit ci-après.
  • Types de Cérémonies Usuelles

    * cérémonie à l'autel et en public | ** cérémonie privée à l'autel | *** cérémonie ne nécessitant pas le Livre de Culte
    Entrée en religion (dedication) : tel que baptême : 1e cérémonie à laquelle l'enfant participe; est suivie, entre 11 et 14 ans, du Coming of age.
    Célébration* : cérémonie ordinaire publique du culte.
    Mort*** : survenance imédiate du décès, suivie des funérailles : rites tels que enterrement, sépulture, crémation, dispersion etc...
    Vocation** : entrée au service du Culte en tant que prêtre ou zélote; nécessite le 4e niveau.
    Consécration : d'un voeu, d'un endroit désacralisé, d'un sacrifice ; nécessite le 2e niveau.
    Repentance** : remise en droit chemin et pardonne les erreurs ou errrements mineurs ; nécessite le 5e niveau.
    Ordination** : crée de nouveaux prêtres/chevaliers/spécialistes etc... ou opère leur passation de niveau;  nécessite a minima le 6e niveau
    Sacralisation : consacre un espace pour un nouveau temple/chapelle ; nécessite le 8e niveau.
    Anathème** : cf infra ; nécessite le 9e niveau.

    Coming of age is a limited form of bless spell which is cast upon a young man (and in some cultures a young woman) at some point rela- tively early in life, often the age of 12. A young person who receives this spell gets a + 1 bonus to any single saving throw, which can be taken at any time after the coming of age ceremony is completed. In some cultures, the corning of age ceremony has a symbolic signifi- cance, such that an adolescent must receive this blessing before he or she can enjoy the rights and privileges of adulthood.

    Burial magically protects a corpse, and bestows it with the blessing of the religious organization. The body is shielded for one week as if by a protection from evil spell, and anyone trying to disinter the corpse within that time must make a saving throw versus spell or stop and flee in fear for one turn.

    Marriage has no tangible after-effect (i.e., it does not guarantee hap- piness or harmony), but it usually carries a moral or legal significance, not dissimilar in nature to the various rites of marriage which are performed in our real world.

    Dedication allows the recipient of the spell to be taken into the ranks of the casting cleric’s religion, making that person a sanctioned worshiper of the cleric’s deity. The effect of a dedication is permanent, unless the worshiper demonstrates a desire to change allegiance to a different deity. In such a case, the earlier dedication can be overridden by a new dedication cast by a cleric of a higher level than the one who performed the previous dedication. The rite of investiture must be performed on any aspiring cleric before that character can achieve the status of a first-level cleric. Consecrate item must be performed on any object to be placed on an altar or in some other location within a religious edifice. To prevent it from losing its potency, holy (or unholy) water must be kept in a prop- erly consecrated container.

    Ordination must be performed on a cleric before the character can become the priest of a congregation or assume similar sorts of duties, and even an adventuring cleric must be ordained before he or she can gain followers and establish a following or other sort of group. In all cases, the cleric performing the ordination must be of higher level than the recipient; this ceremony is often conducted as part of the training a cleric receives in order to advance from second to third level.

    Special vows can be received by a would-be cavalier or paladin before that character embarks upon a career in the desired profession. The effects of this spell persist for as long as it takes the character to accumulate enough experience points to rise to the upper limit of his or her current level. The special vows can then be renewed as part of the character’s training between levels, or at any time during ad- vancement through the next higher level. A cavalier or paladin who has received special vows is immune to the effects of bestow curse spells (but not cursed items) for as long as the special vows remain in effect. Additionally, this ceremony renders the subject more suscepti- ble (-4 on saving throw) to any quest spell cast upon him or her by a cleric of the same alignment as the caster of the special vows.

    Consecrate ground should be performed upon an area before any holy (unholy) structure is built on the site. A religious edifice constructed on ground that has not been consecratedwill slowly but irrev- ocably fall into a state of disrepair and has a 1% chance per year, cumulative, of actually collapsing as a result of this oversight. This spell must be cast before the area in question is altered in any way (e.g., landscaping) and before any construction materials are brought to the site; it will have no effect if it is done as an afterthought. Conse- crate ground can also be used on a plot of land destined for use as a graveyard, and in such a case the graveyard itself automatically turns undead each round with the same effectiveness as a 3rd-level cleric. Or, if the consecration of a would-be graveyard is performed by an evil cleric, any undead creatures occupying the area are treated as if they were being protected and controlled by an evil cleric of 3rd level.

    is aform of excommunication by means of which the offender is literally branded on the cheek, forehead, arm, or hand with a symbol, sigil, or sign that identifies the subject (to those who under- stand the symbol) as someone who has committed a serious offense in the eyes of his or her deity. An unwilling subject of this spell is al- lowed a saving throw versus spell, at -4, to escape its effects. If the re- cipient is not truly deserving of the telling brand, the spell fails when cast. A successful atonement causes the brand to fade, and possibly vanish. If the offending actions were caused magically or by some other external force, the brand utterly disappears. If the offending actions were natural, the brand cannot be completely removed.

    The components for the various ceremony spells vary from religion to religion, but the material component always involves the use of the cleric’s holy symbol in one way or another. Standard costs for the casting of these spells are as follows: coming of age, 5-1 5 sp; burial, 5-50 gp; marriage, 1-20 gp; dedication, 1-1 0 sp (or sometimes free); investiture, 1-100 gp (or sometimes free); item consecration, usually free; ordination, usually free put possibly as much as 200 gp; special vows, 1-1 00 gp (or sometimes free); consecrate ground, 100-600 gp depending on the size of the area to be affected and the level of the cleric performing the spell; and anathematize is always performed at no charge, since the casting of this spell is always deemed to be in the best interests of the cleric’s religion.

    Sacrifices Maléfiques

  • Un sacrifice maléfique est une cérémonie usuelle qui coûte un point d'oraison. Elle peut également être tentée par des non-spellcasters au prix d'un gemme de 10 Gpv. Ces sacrifices concernent de préférence des créatures vivantes et conscientes.

  • Les sacrifices suivants peuvent être tentés par tous les adeptes et zélotes de cultes maléfiques (toutes divinité evil, arch-devils, daemons et demons inclus).

  • Sacrifice Resolution :

    a) Make a successful Knowledge (Religion) roll. If missed, no sacrifice is possible for the next 24h.

    b) If success, target a result on Table II. Multiple sacrifice can be conducted without any further Knowledge (Religion) check during a continuous ceremony but only the highest roll is taken into consideration.

    c) Roll for highest on d20. Add Modifyers from Table I.

    d) Consult Table II for success; any result marked "*" and =< check score can be chosen instead of targeted one except if dark craft points were targeted.

    Sacrificed Element Adj.
    Conducted in a ceremony lasting at least an hour 1
    Conducted on an altar 2
    Conducted in a desecrated area 1
    Conducted in a unhallowed (or unholy / evil consecrated) area 2
    Conducted in the presence of a creature important to the deity (a demon servant for example) 2
    Conducted publicly (in the street or on the steps of a public institution 1
    Conducted before more than 10 followers 1
    Conducted before more than 100 followers 1
    Sacrifice is tortured for 1 day prior to death 1
    Sacrifice loses extremities to hungry demon prior to death 1
    Sacrifice is good aligned 1
    Sacrifice is pure or virginal (as determined by the DM) 1
    Sacrifice has 1-5 HD or levels or 2000-5000 gpv 1
    Sacrifice has 6-10 HD or levels or 5001-15000 gpv 2
    Sacrifice has 11-15 HD or levels or 15001-30000 gpv 3
    Sacrifice has 16+ HD or levels or 30001+ gpv 4
    Sacrifice is a cleric of another god 2
    Sacrifice is a high priest (lv 11+) of another god 1
    Sacrifice is a cleric of another god 2
    Sacrifice is notorious or famous or of rare type 1
    Sacrifice is a virgin or pure soul 1
    Sacrifice is a race or character type or religion hated by the deity (or direct opposite alignment) 1
    Sacrifice is willing, but duped or controlled 1
    Sacrifice is genuinely willing 3
    Wisdom Modifyer x1
    Special Charisma Modifyer (1) x1
    (1) : Special Charisma Table
    Charisma > 12 and < 15 : +1
    Charisma > 15 : = Charisma - 14
    Charisma < 6 : = 6 - Charisma

    Aid upon the celebrant for 24 hours
    Bull's strength upon the celebrant for 24 hours.
    Cats grace upon the celebrant for 24 hour.
    Endurance upon the celebrant for 24 hours
    Divine favor cast at 20th lvl upon the celebrant for 24 hours
    Protection from elements upon the celebrant for 24 hours
    Bless upon those witnessing the ceremony (one individual per HD the victim for 24 hours.
    Magic vestment (cast at 20th level) upon the celebrant's garb for 24 hrs
    Evil outsider appears and serves celebrant for 1 hour per HD of the victim, as described in the lessre planar ally *
    Divine power upon the celebrant for 24 hrs
    Greater magic weapon (cast at 20th level) on the celebrant's weapon for 24 hours.
    Bull's strength upon those witnessing the ceremony ceremony (one individual per HD of the victim for 24 hrs
    Cat's grace upon those witnessing the ceremony (one individual per HD of the victim for 24 hrs
    Or Dark craft points gained : (value of check) x (experience level of celebrant x 10)
    Endurance upon those witnessing the ceremony (one individual per HD of the victim) for 24 hours.
    Evil outsider appears and serves celebrant for 1 hour per HD of the victim, serving as described in the planar ally spell *
    Spell resistance upon the celebrant for 24 hours (use celebrant's level to determine SR).
    Magic vestment cast at 20th lvl upon the garb of those witnessing the ceremony (one individual per HD of the victim) for 24 hrs
    Evil outsider appears and serves celebrant for 1 hour per HD of the victim, serving as described in the greater planar ally spell
    Or Dark Craft resolution success.
    Divine power upon those witnessing the ceremony (one individual pet HD of the victim ) for 24 hrs.
    Limited wish for the celebrant *
    Greater magic (cast at 20th level) upon weapons Involved in the ceremony (one weapon per HD of the victim) for 24 hours.
    Control weather (cast 20th level) as directed by the celebrant for 24 hours
    Wish for the celebrant (this monumental display of happens only once for any given Individual). *
